Boom Lift LOLER Inspections

Boom Lift LOLER Inspections

Thorough examinations of boom lifts are required to take place every 6 months as a minimum under the LOLER “Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998” regulations.

The thorough examination looks at all aspects of the boom lift to assess:

  • The structural integrity of the boom lift
  • The safe operation of all its functions, including emergency lowering
  • The wear and tear of all parts (and if they are within tolerances) and any defects
  • Assess whether the boom lift meets the legislation under which it was built (ie: CE mark)

APS engineers are fully qualified to carry out LOLER thorough examinations and perform the necessary checks so your boom lift is LOLER compliant.

As part of the boom lift LOLER thorough examination, the following checks are carried out:

Corrosion/Livery - Excessive corrosion can weaken metalwork and needs to be repaired before the boom lift can be operated.

Battery - It’s important to maintain the batteries for efficient use. Water levels are checked, terminals are checked for fraying, connectors checked for damage and ensuring it is clean and free from corrosion.

Tyres/Wheels - Tyres are inspected to ensure they have sufficient tread to stop the boom lift from sliding.

Hydraulic Systems - The hydraulic system will be checked for leaks (which can result in low pressure / oil may be on the exterior of the pump), failed seals, broken/cracked hoses (or bends/twisting), exposed wires (could be exposed to water and cause it to rust).

Basket Condition - The basket condition is inspected for signs of wear and tear and if the appropriate fall protection is in place such as guard rails and anchor points for body harnesses. The safe working load of the platform is also checked to ensure it is the same as what is stated by the manufacturer.

Guards/Safety Locks/Interlocks - Locks which prevent the platform from operating if safety functions aren’t working, are inspected.

Control Switches - The control switches are inspected to confirm they operate correctly and there are no issues with the safe lowering of the platform.

Find out more about LOLER Inspections in our Guide to LOLER Inspections

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